I want Pink One!

That has been the only answer I can get when I asked what she wanted for her birthday. Do you want Tacos or Pizza? Pink tacos! what do you want for breakfast? Pink! what do you want on your cake? Pretty pink princess one! alright there is a theme here…I hung these in her room and so we got up to “I WANT TO WEAR IT! NOW!” repeated over and over until we got up and got her dressed. I think a tulle tutu is the only thing that could have gotten her out of her new princess nightgown. Pictures of the “pretty pink princess” cake to come after the party on Sunday.

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Filed under crafts, Holidays, life the universe and everything

One response to “I want Pink One!

  1. Shannon

    Happy Birthday Noami!!! All Annaliese ever wanted was PINK as well. Must be a princess thing.

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