the moon…kind of.

Here’s to the moon. And stupid cameras that can’t take pictures of it (just so you know it was a big, beautiful, misty yellow, cloud-wisp-covered, Halloweenish kind of a moon.) Here’s to it being so cold I had to wear my fingerless gloves that my Hubby made me. The ones that make me feel like I’m really just sitting down with a cup of steaming tea next to a frosty window in our manor house that overlooks my fathers estates, wearing a beautifully embroidered shall over my empire waist gown with my hair done up in curls. Very Jane Austen. Here’s to explosive baby diapers and work phone calls that made sure we were both wide awake at 4 am. Here’s to starting a season of running when it is still dark outside and instead of sunrises I get moonsets. Running makes cranky mommy go away and so at the beginning of this good running week there will be much rejoicing for I will be a nicer, happier person. But most importantly…here’s to the moon.


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Filed under life the universe and everything, running

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