Naomi Sage

Because she makes me happy and crazy at the same time and because I want to feature all of the monkeys at some point (why not start with the middle child?) and because…well…it’s Wednesday, so there.

Naomi and her drug of choice (cuties clementine oranges). Seriously could eat 8 in a go and I know this because I counted. Have used them to lure her out to the car when we have to leave Noah’s house, or rather “no-ie” (he calls her “no-mie”). He is the other drug of choice because Naomi can boss him around and get him in trouble with impunity because he is ususally way too busy trying to be just like Garyn to even notice. Parallel Play at it’s finest.

Most of her down time is spent at the park, barefoot or in squeaky shoes. And yes that is her in a sun dress in the middle of Janurary barefoot. She is a desert baby and it was like 65+ degrees outside.

Came back from my run to find my spot being saved. Most mornings she will come snuggle around 5:30 or so. Makes for a tight fit because she’ll sprawl out like that even if I’m laying there too. Should be a good morning…happy Wednesday!

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Filed under life the universe and everything, running

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