Tag Archives: Dragons

My Book

It all started a few years ago when my then very little man wanted a bedtime story about a dragon. I made one up on the spot and from that first introduction, many adventures followed. Then with the rise of the homemade photobook, I thought, “Hey! I should totally illustrate this and make it into a for real book!”

More money than I thought, a whole education in water color, 2 years, and a lot of overcome artist blocks later…I finished it and gave it to the monkeys for Christmas. They loved it, but it is reassuring to know that they will really, really love it in about 20 years.


Sorry the color/lighting/photography skills are a bit sub-par. But meh. It’s done and that’s really what is making me dance around and turn cartwheels in my PJ’s while I type this. Oh, I’m good.


So it’s about a dragon who has a good life but is lonely and soon he becomes friends with a lizard. Simple and fairly basic but it’s what I had late that night years ago, and happily my babies don’t need sophistication in their literature just yet. Plus Little man asked for new adventures or retellings nightly for 3 years straight, so something about it worked for him. Now my girls are enjoying it too, which makes me smile.


This is Thurp. This is Thurp having to tell Bill his real name, which is kind of embarrassing.


The final pages. There is a whole series of these books somewhere in my head, that I’d love to make happen some day. I mean, you should hear about how they help Santa Claus one year. That was a favorite for a long time. We will see if I can do it or if it will be a project I finish for grandbabies. Either way, big fat check on my life’s to-do list. WOOT!

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