Tag Archives: Family Traditions

So spoiled

I’ve written a few times about the epic pumpkin patch my mom’s cousin used to own just outside of Redlands, CA. We started going there when my now 8 year old was a month old. Being family we did all the activities for free and basically for the years before we moved here, I had all the fancy (and tasty) heirloom pumpkins I could stand for free. Well change comes to us all and we, um, moved across the country. Last year I just couldn’t bring myself to pay for a pumpkin patch, plus we were super busy so we just picked up jack’o’lantern pumpkins at Walmart and called it meh. This year a friend invited me to go with her and her son to a local Pumpkin Patch (one of about 87 in a 5 mile radius of our house…turns out when you can grow things like corn mazes, people do.) I finally got my spoiled self in gear and made peace with the fact that no it wouldn’t be the same, and yes it was going to cost me both my arm and my leg. Sigh. The munchkins were beyond thrilled with the experience so I’m thinking we may be back in the proverbial holiday tradition saddle once again.


People either love these things or hate them. I hate that I love them. And the disembodied cow/sheep heads? fuggetaboutit.

I’m not sure if I can adequately express the magnitude of my gratitude, that my kids are both easily entertained and easy to please. Tire and dirt? We’re set for hours, Mom!

Not pictured is the huge silo fort with air cannons. Not sure how I was so negligent in my picture taking that I have no pictures of it’s magnificence.


But the real star, the real icing on our fall extravaganza cake was this little barn thing filled with corn. We spent a solid hour in here and they probably would have stayed longer. True I had to fish corn out of pants and skivvies, but it was the best sensory exploration activity of the whole season for all the ages. All of the things we did just reminded me and threw into stark relief that 99.9% of the time, simple is the right answer (and not just for kids).

We rounded out the day with a haunted hay ride to a field of perfectly placed (if not exactly grown) pumpkins to find our Jack’o’lanterns. Corra had a huge (fake) spider almost land on her head and ghosts came out of the trees. It was pretty great.

So next on our tradition documenting docket: Halloween itself!



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Filed under crafts, Holidays, homeschool, life the universe and everything

Easter in the desert

I love the desert. I love the heat and sand and wind. I love the huge sky and stubby, prickly bushes that smell awesome in the rain. I love the rocks. And now I’ll stop waving my freak flag. Every year for the past 20 years (so weird that I’m now old enough to say that about anything) we have been going to Vally of Fire for Easter. We have gone to the same spot for 18 of those years. We eat a picnic lunch and then kids and dads go for a hike while moms help the Easter Bunny hide eggs. It’s kind of perfect. Also we take pictures. Really great pictures that are the only reason I don’t run and hide when cameras come out. Much.

We had the seats like this for the move. No more. I can’t take it.

This is going to be made big and hung up somewhere. It only took 57 tries to get all kids looking at the camera with semi-normal expressions (forget smiling). You know what I’m talking about.

Next face of Gap Kids?

Pretty much the cutest baby ever.

Looking away from the camera = good pictures.

Well except for this one. Also being made big and hung up somewhere. I kind of love this one alot.

Then there is that sweet husband guy. So glad I married such good stuff.

The Easter Bunny has very good taste in basket fillers. Each kid got a new Dr. Seuss book which were the favorite presents. They did like the candy and toys but the books were the favorite. Score! Perfect ending for a beautiful Easter.


Filed under Holidays