Tag Archives: Homeschool Acitvity

Age of Chivalry

That’s the name of our local Renaissance Faire, which we recently attended. I’ve decided that for me, going to Ren Faire is the adult equivalent to “I want to run away and join the circus.” There is a part of me that wonders (with just a touch of wistfulness) what would it be like if that is what you did…traveled from one Ren Faire or historical reenactment to another doing cool stuff like  weaving trim on a inkle loom whilst wearing a gorgeous period costume and talking to everyone in a cool accent? Le Sigh. I wasn’t even planning on going, but when I finished the kids Halloween costumes ahead of schedule and a friend mentioned that they were going, I reconsidered. I’m all about a Halloween costume getting as much use as possible and going with a friend made the whole thing seem less overwhelming. Throw in a borrowed double stroller, free admission, the prospect of a meat pie and I couldn’t wait. [Warning: Ren Faires are highly photogenic events. Please excuse the ridiculous amounts of pictures in this post and just know that I pared down considerably.]

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Halloween costume preview. Also I’ve decided that the Faire was the most amazing place for my children. Not only are you encouraged to talk to anyone and everyone…most of the people who are dressed up, are at the Faire for the sole purpose of talking to inquisitive kids! It was such a nice change of pace…to be saying, “Go say hi! Ask the scary looking pirate where his ship is! Curtsy to the queen before launching into a 5 minute monologue about your fairy costume and how you are going to wear it on your upcoming trip to the Feywild!”

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Adventurers all. Plus a dragon.

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Ok. During the jousting, both of my little girls ’bout lost their minds. Corra was bouncing and giggling and pointing like mad at all the horses and she couldn’t get enough. Layna spent the whole time burying her head in my shoulder, screaming, and demanding that I keep my hands over her ears. That one doesn’t do loud noise. While we were standing well away from the arena a very nice Wild clan member with some very creative piercings tried to make her smile. Layna was distracted but didn’t quite know what to make of the wolf on the girls head or the white and black body paint. Huzzah for Ren Faire!

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It was so cool to bring the big kids as they are now old enough to care about the historical crafts and other stuff that people demonstrate. They came home and wanted me to print out more Celtic designs for them to paint. Now I just need to learn how to spin hair into yarn on an old fashioned spinning wheel! Oh, it will happen.

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Layna was digging the homemade crane and Naomi was in heaven being fussed over by a royal court.

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After a yummy (if not period accurate) lunch we were able to continue on. The meat pie was delicious.

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Friends were made everywhere (now I get to explain to Naomi why she can’t wear the green feather that her friend let her keep to church today). My little fairy and warrior monk (he’ll be a warrior monk mouse for Halloween) were very popular with everyone. I love the Renaissance Faire and it only is going to get easier to take the munchkins as the little girls get older. Who knows? Maybe someday Layna will be ok with “We Will Rock You” over a loud speaker? Maybe. Although next year I’m totally dressing up…better get on making a peasant shirt to go under the bodice I made in high school for my first Ren Faire.

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Filed under crafts, Food stuffs, homeschool, life the universe and everything

Leap Day randomness

and in no particular order:

My morning run made possible by these gentlemen. Great running music, and deffinately the favorite of the week.

Fat baby feet stuffed into cute baby shoes to do treadmill work at Physical Therapy. And baby pig tails. Enough said.

Whole foods trip to stock up for future dehydrator adventures (yes I’m an unashamed hippie and yes I’ll be blogging about my new toy when it gets here). As cool as it is to buy buckwheat in bulk (it IS cool and no I don’t need to get out more, why do you ask?), it is way better to discover something revolutionary in the world of cookies. White chocolate chips, dried strawberries, AND milk chocolate covered strawberries. BAM! because why wouldn’t you throw all that into a cookie? ZING! KAPOW! (for good measure)

You know you are a red neck need to do laundry when you wear these socks to Physical Therapy. Where, by the way, little girl is making strides putting weight on her feet and working on moving herself all over the place via crawling and standing and rolling and sitting up (then rolling forward through a full split to get on her belly…sigh). She is doing really well….more on that later.

Last Greek Timeline day. Greek theater complete with Masks of Comedy and Tragedy. Nay looks tragic doesn’t she?

Happy Wednesday! Happy Leap Day! Happy Random Day! Happy…um. yeah.

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Filed under Food stuffs, homeschool, life the universe and everything, running


I figured that a good overview of Ancient Greece would definitely include the Olympics. And what better way to study that, than by having our very own! Togas for All! Javelin (2.5 foot pvc tube), discus (huge frisbee),  arm wrestling (because I wasn’t about to let four 5-year old go at it), a foot race, and we were going to do a chariot race but one of the chariots didn’t make it. Bicycle chains are mean like that. We had snacks of apples, pita bread and hummus, carrots, grape juice, and cheese. I explained that the Ancient Greeks ate goat cheese, and my friend really thought for a moment that I was awesome enough to procure goat cheese. It was plain old monterey jack, but Thanks Amanda for thinking that I am that dedicated to authenticity. Gold medals for everyone, and olive branches to the winners. It was so fun and I think it might need to be an annual thing even if it morphs into a regular field day, theme or no theme.


Filed under homeschool